Name unknown on slot 1 descr unknown

By Admin

Jan 05, 2017 · Router> show inventory NAME: “Unknown on Slot 4", DESCR: “Unknown” PID: UCS-E140D-M1/K9 , VID: V00 , SN: FOC16161F5E This problem occurs if you installed an unsupported version of Cisco IOS software. The supported Cisco IOS software version on E-Series Servers is 15.2(4)M and later versions.

SM-SRE-910-K9 "Unknown on Slot 1" - Cisco Community upgrading waas module on a 2911 so we can get up to current code but the router doesnt recognize the SRE. White papers say it needs 15.0.1M and I am here already: c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.150-1.M6.bin NAME: "Unknown on Slot 1", DESCR: Cisco Bug: CSCvb06541 - Polaris: 'show inventory' shows ... Symptom: Upon router boot up, with both RP's in R0 and R1 online, the 'show inventory' command will display the following: NAME: "module R1", DESCR: "Cisco ASR1000 Unknown Route Processor" PID: ASR1000-RP-UNKNOWN, VID: , SN: The description, PID, VID and SN info for R1 are missing. Conditions: Output of 'show inventory' command missing product info for RP in R1 slot compatible to cisco network card | [H]ard|Forum

Aug 30, 2015 · NAME: "2821 chassis", DESCR: "2821 chassis" PID: CISCO2821 , VID: V03 , SN: FTX1120A49D NAME: "Unknown on Slot 1", DESCR: "Unknown" PID: , VID: 1.0, SN: JAD0636017N #show diag Slot 0: C2821 Motherboard with 2GE and integrated VPN Port adapter, 2 ports Port adapter is analyzed Port adapter insertion time 2w6d ago

Executing snmpttconvertmib Cpqhost.mib snmptt.conf would Append to the end of the snmptt.conf file (specified on the command line): # # # Event cpqHo2NicSwitchoverOccurred2 . "Status Events" Normal Format Status Trap … Source of joker.c (From listings) Then get __DATA.__data // and isolate "" if (g_jdebug) fprintf(stderr,"Processing kext...n"); segments = processFile((unsigned char *) KextBundleHeader,Size, getKernelCacheArch(), 0, 0,0); uint32_t __DATA__data_off …

microtype + siunitx and \micro - mysterious warnings - TeX ...

nagios-plugins/ at master · ovido/nagios ... Apr 29, 2015 ... netscreen ______: NetScreen : Slot, fan, power-supply ... version 0.2 : - juniper: Ignores a "Unknown" PCMCIA card. # - Juniper: .... our $sysdescr = " 1.1.0"; # Global system description ... our %CiscoEnvMonNagios = (1,1 ,2,2 ,3,3 , 4,3 ,5,0, 6,3); # Nagios states returned for CIsco states (coded see ...


Re: readynas nv+ green disk LED no longer lights up Warranty can be determined by the serial number, but unless the previous owner notified Netgear about the transfer of ownership, and you got it registered in your name, you could have problems getting tech support for their records will show someone else as the registered owner. Cisco Commands Tips for Beginners | A Packet's Journey May 31, 2016 · The intended audience of this post are those who are not yet have any experience in the real working environment of being a Network Engineer. Here is the list of the commands that I believe will be helpful and are not taught in books and can only be experience in a real hardware: show inventory… Solved: C3900 Module Slot problem - Cisco Community Hi Team, We buy new router and install 3 nm-hdv2-2T1/E1 module, but module is unknown see below logs for perusal. NAME: "Cisco Services Performance Engine 200 for Cisco 3900 ISR on Slot 0", DESCR: "Cisco Services Performance Engine 200 for Cisco 3900 ISR" SM-SRE-910-K9 "Unknown on Slot 1" - Cisco Community upgrading waas module on a 2911 so we can get up to current code but the router doesnt recognize the SRE. White papers say it needs 15.0.1M and I am here already: c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.150-1.M6.bin NAME: "Unknown on Slot 1", DESCR: